Tuesday, July 30, 2013 0 comments

Alumna Dr. Jodie Gary interviewed by American Journal of Nursing

Alumna, Dr. Jodie Gary was interviewed by American Journal of Nursing about her article “Exploring the Concept and Use of Positive Deviance in Nursing.” Check it out! We're so proud of you, Jodie!!

Friday, July 26, 2013 0 comments

Updated information for Fall NEXus courses

Updated information for Fall NEXus courses

1)      There are now 57 NEXus courses available for Fall 2013!
2)      The next application deadline is July 31, 2013 for ASU and UB.
3)      For detailed course descriptions visit http://wiche-ice.org/new/index.cfm?nexus&semester_name=FALL%202013&agroup=nexus
4)      For all member school deadline dates and information regarding application and enrollment procedures visit http://www.winnexus.org/?query=148
Friday, July 26, 2013 0 comments

Congratulations to Alumna Dr. Della Connor!

Dr. Della Connor was chosen to be on the National Kidney Foundations Council of Advanced Practitioners Speaker's Bureau. Her first speaking engagement is in Las Vegas 3/2014. Congratulations, Della! UT Tyler is proud of you! 
Tuesday, July 16, 2013 0 comments

Congratulations, Jennifer Donwerth!!

Jennifer Donwerth's article, Delirium Superimposed on Charles Bonnet Syndrome: A Case Study, was accepted for publication in Geriatric Nursing. Go, Jennifer!! We're so proud of you! 
Monday, July 1, 2013 0 comments

Updated NEXus Fall 2013 Flyer

Updated NEXus Fall 2013 Flyer

1)      There are now 56 NEXus courses available for Fall 2013!
2)      The first application deadline is July 15, 2013 for UNLV.
